+370 5236 3656

UV-VIS detector C-640

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With the simultaneous monitoring at four different wavelengths over the whole UV and visible range, the C-640 Detector allows you to detect and isolate your compounds using the Sepacore® Flash chromatography systems.


  • Detects most compounds in a broad wavelength range at 200 – 840 nm.
  • Saves time by simultaneously monitoring four wavelengths.
  • Locates your compound at any time with a UV-Vis scan (using SepacoreControl software).


  • Adjusts the flow cell path length according to the amount of sample.
  • Designed for: analytical HPLC, preparative HPLC and flash chromatography.


  • Easy integration in any system configuration.
  • Very compact unit.
  • Stand-alone or computer control.