+370 5236 3656

X-ray fluorescence spectrometers (XRF)

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Expert XRF spectrometers for elemental composition analysis.

Malvern Panalytical offers a versatile range of X-ray fluorescence spectrometers and related products for elemental and thin film analysis. These XRF analyzers are suitable for a wide range of analysis and throughput requirements and operating environments. The spectrometers range from energy-dispersive benchtop XRF systems to wavelength-dispersive high-performance XRF systems and products for semiconductor measurement.

XRF spectrometers can be configured with dedicated software options for specific types of X-ray fluorescence analysis. In combination with application modules (application configuration, calibration and standards) or as a package with sample preparation products, complete analytical solutions are created.


Measurement type/Model


Epsilon 1

Epsilon 4

Epsilon Xflow

2830 ZT

Axios FAST


Smart Zetium for reliable results and robust operation

Small, powerful and portable XRF analyzer

Fast and accurate at-line elemental analysis

Direct insight in your production process

Advanced semiconductor thin film metrology solution

XRF of choice for highest throughput or shortest measurement time

Thin film metrology



Elemental analysis

Contaminant detection and analysis


Elemental quantification


Chemical identification    



Wavelength Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (WDXRF)


Energy Dispersive X-ray Fluorescence (EDXRF)

Elemental range








0.1 ppm - 100%

1 ppm - 100% 

1 ppm - 100%

1 ppm - 100% 

0.1 ppm - 100%

0.1 ppm - 100%

Resolution (Mn-Ka)

35 eV

135 eV

135 eV

135 eV

35 eV

35 eV

Sample throughput

Up to - 240 per 8 h day

Up to - 80 per 8 h day

Up to - 160 per 8h day

On-line/ continuous

Up to 25 wafers per hour

Up to - 480 per 8 h day

Epsilon 1
Epsilon 4
Epsilon Xflow
2830 ZT
Axios FAST