Seed Processing Holland

Seed Processing Holland

Seed Processing Holland B.V.

Link to partner web site
Contact person
Kārlis Stūriška for requests in Latvia
Rainer Sults for requests in Estonia

Seed Processing Holland (SPH) is a world leader in seed processing equipment and solutions in the vegetable and field crop market segments. As an expert and reliable partner, SPH contributes to the success of seed processing companies worldwide by the development, production and maintenance of efficient and innovative solutions. They supply a complete range of seed processing and conditioning equipment, from standard dryers, treating and enhancement machines to complete processing lines. Keywords: extraction, threshing, disinfection, drying, cleaning, pelleting, treating, priming, quality control, transport.

The production and assembly department in Enkhuizen, the Netherlands where everything is produced, assembled and tested. Everything is in-house!

There is a growing demand in the world for high-quality seeds. Seed processing companies have many challenges due to, among other things, climate change, new bacteria and plant diseases, changing legislation with regard to pesticides and disinfectants and restrictions in sending seeds across borders. By conversations with our customers, we remain well informed of these developments and include this in our product and market strategy. As a specialist, SPH wants to play a sustainable and leading role in the market for solutions for the processing of this seed. 

Examples of Seed Processing systems.