+370 5236 3656

Syncore® Polyvap

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Maximize multiple sample workup efficiency.

The Syncore® Polyvap allows fast evaporation of up to 96 samples in parallel. Save time and increase your efficiency by evaporating multiple samples with volumes from 0.5 to 500 mL.


  • Highest sample throughput of up to 96 samples due to the speedy “Vacuum Vortex parallel evaporation technology”.
  • Collect your flash Chromatography fractions directly.
  • Integrable solid phase extraction (SPE) saves time and reduces contamination risk.


  • Lowest emissions by close to 100 % solvent recovery.
  • Prevent boiling retardation during evaporation due to the variable orbital shaking.
  • Save money and reduce emissions by no need of nitrogen.
  • No cross-contamination due to the vacuum cover.


  • Interchangeable racks to evaporate samples from 0.5 to 500 mL.
  • Optimal adjusted vacuum gradients guarantees maximum flexibility and working speed.
  • Evaporate even high-boiling solvents thanks to the heated cover and the high boiling kit.