"Quality in your hands"

BÜCHI Labortechnik AG

Meierseggstrasse 40, Postfach
9230 Flawil, Switzerland
Link to partner web site
Contact person
Didzis Ošis for requests in Latvia
Rainer Sults for requests in Estonia
Renatas Dapkus for requests in Lithuania

BÜCHI Labortechnik AG is a leading solution provider in laboratory technology for R & D, quality control and production.

BUCHI serve a wide range of industries such as pharmaceuticals, chemicals, food & beverage, feed, environmental analysis and academia.

BUCHI solutions for laboratory, industrial and parallel evaporation, spray drying, melting point, preparative chromatography, extraction, distillation & digestion and near infrared spectroscopy meet the highest needs of our demanding customers.

All BUCHI products comply with their philosophy of "Quality in your hands". BUCHI strive to develop products and solutions that are solid, cleverly designed, convenient and easy to use in order to fulfill customer needs to the highest degree.