UniTrain electric machines courses

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Didzis Ošis requests only for Latvia

Students taking the course are familiarised with the physical principles, the operation, properties and basic circuitry for various machines. In many experiments the machines are put into operation and their electrical properties measured using multimeters and oscilloscope, control units are set up and the safe usage of electrical machines is reinforced.


CO4204-7S Electric machines 1: DC machines

CO4204-7T Electric machines 2: Asynchronous machines

CO4204-7U Electric machines 3: Synchronous and slip-ring machines

CO4204-7W Electric machines 5: Stepper motors

CO4204-7X Electric machines 6: Linear motors

CO4204-7Z Electric machines 7: BLDC/servo motors

CO4204-7Y Single- and three-phase transformers